Regija: Srednja, vzhodna, zahodna in jugovzhodna Uganda
Proizvajalci: Manjše posesti
Nadmorska višina: 1200m
Vrsta: Robusta Canephora
Trgatev: november - marec
Klasifikacija: screen 15
Postopek obdelave: naraven
Okus: Pridih sadja, note zelišč in cedre. Je rahlo začinjen in nasplošno dobro uravnotežen.
Region: Central, Eastern, Western, and South Eastern Uganda
Producers: Smallhorder Farmers
Altitude: 1200 m.a.s.l.
Variety: Robusta Canephora
Harvest Period: November - March
Classification: Screen 15
Processing: Natural
Cup Profile: Hints of fruits, notes of herbs, and cedarwood. It is slightly spicy and overall well balanced.
About the Coffee
Verdant mountain ranges, home to some of the last freely roaming Gorillas, can be found in various parts of the country. While cherished for their scenic views, these lands are also home to 85% of Uganda‘s population, with agriculture as the main source of income. Coffee remains by far the most valued export good, and we are happy to introduce you to some of Uganda‘s finest coffees.
Na žalost vrnjenih izdelkov ne sprejemamo, saj je kava pokvarljivo blago.
Če ste z nakupom kakorkoli nezadovoljni nam prosim sporočite in skupaj bomo skušali najti ustrezno rešitev.--
As these are perishable goods, we are unfortunately unable to accept any returns.
Please contact us if there are any issues with your delivery.Vse pošiljke so poslane s Pošto Slovenije.
Prosimo pričakujte 3-7 delovnih dni za prejem vašega naročila. Trudimo se, da je vaša izkušnja z nakupom čimbolj enostavna, v primeru kakršnih koli težav nas pa kontaktirajte na
All orders are sent out with Pošta Slovenije (Post of Slovenia).
Please allow 3-7 business days for your order to arrive. We hope there are none but for any issues plese contact us at